
Transition To Managed Code


I use ANTS Performance Profiler to profile an ASP.Net application hosted on iis.

when I select a region to track the methods I get "transition to managed code..." block without the expand button so I can't see the methods.

P.S. : the source code for the application and the referenced assemblies exists.

Please help.

Mohammad Shahrouri


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    As far as I'm aware the only message that involves transition in the tree node is in relation to the "transition to unmanaged code".

    You will get a "collapsed methods without source" message if there are .NET methods for which no pdb files exist. Is this the message you mean or is it the above message?

    If the unmanaged message is what you are referring to then you cannot view these methods because they are not .NET methods and the profiler only profiles managed code.

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    I'm not referring to unmanaged code, it is managed code and the pdb files exists.

    my problem is that sometimes I can view the called methods and its source code and sometimes I can't.

    these methods exists in the same assembly.
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    Quick question -

    does the same issue appear no matter which timing mode you have selected? (i.e. Wall Clock time versus CPU time)


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    If I use the CPU time the problem disappears.

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