Could not transform licenses file 'licenses.licx'

HTIHTI Posts: 6
edited June 17, 2005 10:10AM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions
When we release a new version of our product, we create a branch in our source control which essentially copies all of our code. In the main codebase I can compile this just fine. However, in my new branch, I am getting the following error. I have already removed and re-added the assembly references, but to no avail.
Could not transform licenses file 'licenses.licx' into a binary resource. (1) : error LC0004 : Exception occured creating type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException'

Which file can it not find? Any suggestions?


  • After using FileMon from SysInternals, it turns out it could not find "RedGate.Licensing.Client.dll" or "RedGate.Licensing.Helper.dll". After I fixed that it compiles now.
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    Good point. If the custom licensing is going to be invoked (ie you need to enter a serial number because the Toolkit had not been licensed on a new computer), then you will need to have the RedGate.Licensing.*.dll assemblies present.
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