
Enhancement Request: Edit user-added Extended Properties

PDinCAPDinCA Posts: 642 Silver 1
edited February 4, 2010 2:57AM in SQL Doc Previous Versions
Just went to update an Extended Property I use to declare the "Table Alias", which is used to standardize query aliases and apply naming conventions to indexes, constraints, et al. Couldn't update:
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty N'TableAlias', N'se', 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'TABLE', N'SubEvent', NULL, NULL
to change the alias from "se" to "sev".

Please add the ability to Edit these types of properties - they are listed above the creation script but don't have the "Edit..." link.
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  • Options
    Thanks for your feature request. The ability to edit extended properties has been requested by a number of other customers. It is logged in our tracking system with reference SDOC-775. It will be looked at for a future release of SQL Doc although we have no timescales for this at present.
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