Evaluation question

I noticed looking at some of the times to execute a method that if method A calls into method B I may see method A took .340 seconds to execute but when I drill into method B I see a point where it may have taken .530 seconds to take. The point being method B took longer than method A, which doesn't seem to make any sense. Shouldn't the total time to execute method A be at least or larger than the time to execute method B? I'm looking at total time and hit count was 1 (I'm pretty sure). Is there a case when I may expect this to happen? Thanks.


  • Anu DAnu D Posts: 876 Silver 3
    Many thanks for your post.

    Can you kindly let us know which time column are you refering to is it Time (ms) or Time with Children (ms)?

    Above information will help us to investigate further.
    Anuradha Deshpande
    Product Support
    Redgate Software Ltd.
    E-mail: support@red-gate.com
  • Hi,
    I'm looking at Time(s)

  • fratting wrote:
    I'm looking at Time(s)


    Thanks - that explains it. The time for each method is the time spent exclusing in that method hence all values are cmpletely independent. "Time with children" however- should always decrease as you go down the call stack as this is cumulative time.

    Hope that clears it up.
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