Could not map the file 'myResults.amp5results' into memory
I've been getting this a lot in the last few days:
Could not map the file myResults.amp5results' into memory.
at h.a(Boolean , Int64 )
at h.set_Size(Int64 value)
at dW.a(dr , Int64 , Int32 , Int32 )
at dW.a(c , dr , Int32 , Int32 )
at dW.WriteSnapshotRefTable(Int32 processId, Int32 snapshotId, c referenceTable)
at f.WriteLog(Int32 processId, dt writer)
at dR.a(dt )
at dW.Close()
at c.b(Object , GenericEventArgs`1 )
at ae.<>c__DisplayClass8.<.ctor>b__3()
at O.b()
Caused by:
Memory mapped operation failed with error code 0x70
I looked at other posts in the forum and found this similar one: ... php?t=9477
BUT - this is for a Forms app, not an ASP app. Since the msdn article linked to in the other topic refers to an ASP configuration file I haven't tried that "fix". The poster of the other topic I referred to included information from a log file. I would too, if I knew where to look for it.
Could not map the file myResults.amp5results' into memory.
at h.a(Boolean , Int64 )
at h.set_Size(Int64 value)
at dW.a(dr , Int64 , Int32 , Int32 )
at dW.a(c , dr , Int32 , Int32 )
at dW.WriteSnapshotRefTable(Int32 processId, Int32 snapshotId, c referenceTable)
at f.WriteLog(Int32 processId, dt writer)
at dR.a(dt )
at dW.Close()
at c.b(Object , GenericEventArgs`1 )
at ae.<>c__DisplayClass8.<.ctor>b__3()
at O.b()
Caused by:
Memory mapped operation failed with error code 0x70
I looked at other posts in the forum and found this similar one: ... php?t=9477
BUT - this is for a Forms app, not an ASP app. Since the msdn article linked to in the other topic refers to an ASP configuration file I haven't tried that "fix". The poster of the other topic I referred to included information from a log file. I would too, if I knew where to look for it.
If you go to the help menu there's an item called 'Open log folder'
Can you zip up the text files and send them to and reference this forum post please.
I've emailed you a possible solution to this issue.