Copied tables not matching

I'm a relative beginner here so appolgies in advance if this is a stupid question. I'm setting up a Dev and Prod environment for a new schema on a database and am trying to use compare to confirm that the evironments are identical.

I've done this with other schema on the same database with a preexisitng setup of tables in Dev and Prod without a problem, but now I'm running into trouble. The identical setup of tables are showing up as two lists (Only in Dev and Only in Prod). I've tried copying over via export in SQL Server Management Studio and by deploying the tables (without data) in Redgate Compare. The schema have identical names and the tables have identical names but Compare just doesn't seem to want to see them as the same thing. Any tips?

Best Answer

  • Neil_CNeil_C Posts: 5 New member
    A restart of the computer and a brand new project in Compare and now as if by magic all my tables map perfectly. Quite embarrassing really....  Thanks for your input in trying to solve the problem


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