source control error: Failed to update file from source control :

I am using redgate Source control for Oracle Version:

after creating a link to my local folder and connection establishment , i am getting this error.

Failed to update file from source control : [Database object id:  Name=<xyz>, owner=<abc>, Object type=queue]

Another issue:
lot many times i am getting- "not connected to oracle error."

I am fedup using this tool for source control. you need to bring a new version or fix issues immediately. Entire team is upset with redgate issues.


  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,151 Diamond 4
    edited August 22, 2018 11:54AM
    Hi @snemmal,

    I've found the error report you've submitted and it looks like we're having trouble creating the transient copy of the file from what is in source control.  Are there any parsing errors for this file?

    I'm going to create a ticket to get more information on the object in question in the report.

    Regarding the "Not connected to Oracle" error - is this showing on the main screen of Source Control for Oracle?  If you then click into the project that this is showing for does it provide any further information on what the issue is or does it reconnect?

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • snemmalsnemmal Posts: 5 New member
    Hello there..

    [Failed to update file from source control : [Database object id:  Name=<xyz>, owner=<abc>, Object type=queue]

    this is an index file.. i checked the index creation sql file from source control .. it has no issues or no bad characters or so. ]

    Q : Are there any parsing errors for this file? -
    A: I opened the file and it dont have any issues. One of my colleague  having same file in his local folder, - (connected with Git) have it working perfectly fine.
    No differences found in his file (indexes/abc_index.sql) and mine. 

    deleted project, recreated - no luck
    un-insatlled whole software, reinstalled and recreated the project  - no luck.

    Do we have any chance of meeting through webex or some other meeting ways, so that it would be easy to you to understand whats wrong, instead of chats which may delay turn-arounds.

    Please help me asap.

    This has least priority now (as i am used to this error all time, though its not effecting me much:)
    Q: Not connected to Oracle" error - is this showing on the main screen of Source Control for Oracle?
    its appears when i click on "Lock objects" tab.
    it dont provide any info , apart from that error. (even though i click on it.)

  • ArieArie Posts: 5 New member
    What was the response for that? having the same problem  :/
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