More issues with comments on views

Brian.LiebBrian.Lieb Posts: 29 New member
edited August 15, 2014 5:51AM in Source Control for Oracle
So, I am having more issues using both Schema Compare with a Scripts folder and Source Control concerning comments on views.

Aside from the issue OC-644, that I reported last December, I have found another issue.

Anyway the symptoms are this. If a table or view comment (not a column comment) has more than one line, it always appears as a change needed to commit to the SVN repository.

For example, I have done this:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_test_comments (
   val )
select 1 val from dual;

-- Comments for V_TEST_COMMENTS

COMMENT ON TABLE v_test_comments IS 'This
is a 

When I commit that view to the SVN repository, and refresh my project, it shows up again as needing to be checked in, but in the 'differences' section of the check-in screen, no differences between the view in the instance and repo are shown.

So, I pulled the repository using TortoiseHg and do a Schema Compare (ignoring whitespace) between the filesystem checked out version and the schema and find that it indicates they are different, unfortunately Schema Compare doesn't show any differences in the 'differences' section.

So I do a deployment, and copy the deployment script to the clipboard, which I have pasted here:
-- Script generated by Schema Compare for Oracle on 8/12/2014 11:39:08 AM

COMMENT ON TABLE akfish_cas2.v_test_comments IS 'This
is a 

Anyway, if I deploy the change to another schema, it continues to show that difference between the repo and the deployed instance, but not between the original instance (where the view and comment were made) and the deployed instance.

As a final point, if I change the comment thus:
COMMENT ON TABLE akfish_cas2.v_test_comments IS 'This is a comment.';

None of the behavior occurs, it behaves as expected. So, I suspect some kind of carriage-return/line feed problem. However, I am unable to figure out a way to have a multiple line comment commit and have Oracle Source Control or Schema Compare show the repo as being the same. This wouldn't be a problem if our comments were as in this example, but we have thousands of existing tables and views that have long descriptions. Newlines are needed.

I really want to use this tool, but these kinds of things are difficult to work around.


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your forum post.

    A support ticket has been created for HERE.

    If you have a Redgate ID you will be able to log-in and review the support ticket.

    I will be investigating your problem and hope to reproduce the problem, which I can then escalate on to my colleagues in the development team.

    What versions of Schema Compare for Oracle and Source Control for Oracle are you using?

    What version of Oracle are you using?

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Brian.LiebBrian.Lieb Posts: 29 New member
    Source Control:
    Schema Compare:
  • Brian.LiebBrian.Lieb Posts: 29 New member
    Sheesh! I am an idiot. This has been going on awhile, and in the interim a new version of both Schema Compare and Source Control have been released.

    This issue no longer seems to be one, I apologize for wasting your time.
  • Excellent, glad I've fixed it already. It was something a customer reported via the error reporting in the product. Often these reports give me enough information to reproduce and fix the issue.

    Just let us know if you encounter any other issues.
    Richard Mitchell
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Hi, excellent news that the latest release has resolved the problem.

    You have not wasted our time.

    Investigating and answering technical issues like the one you reported helps me and my colleagues increases our knowledge, identify where problem are located and improve our products.

    Also other users may read this forum post who have also encountered the same problem. Through this forum post may decide to upgrade to fix the problem

    Schema Compare for Oracle V3.0.3.427 and Source Control for Oracle V2.0.3.489 where released just one week ago.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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