
SQL Compare 10.7 cmd ignoring transactionIsolationLevel

matthoneycuttmatthoneycutt Posts: 11
edited May 20, 2014 7:21AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
I'm getting differing behaviors between the command-line and GUI versions of SQL Compare 10.7. The GUI is respecting the configured transaction isolation level when it deploys scripts. The command line seems to always use "SERIALIZABLE" regardless of the transactionIsolationLevel flag.

Here's the command line I'm executing:

.\SQLCompare.exe /include="Identical" /include="StaticData" /scripts1="C:\path\to\Scripts" /scriptsfolderxml="C:\path\to\scripts" /migrationsfolder:"C:\path\to\migrations" /server2="(local)" /database2="TestDatabase" /synchronize /AbortOnWarnings="none" /transactionIsolationLevel="READ COMMITTED" /options="default,UseMigrationsV2" /scriptfile="C:\Users\me\Desktop\migration.sql" /force

In the generated script file, there's this:


When I do the equivalent operation using the GUI, the script correctly contains 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED'

Any ideas? This is a major roadblock for my team and our use of SQL Compare/Source Control since our scripts involve linked servers and won't work with SERIALIZABLE.

I'm using SQL Compare Command Line V10.7.0.18...


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