Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database

i'm on a new System (Windows Server 2012 R2 / SQL Server 2012 Enterprise) with a fresh install of SQL Backup 7.6
The SQL Backup Service runs under a Domain User with appropriate permissions.
But the scheduled Backup Jobs failed with Error 880.
I added SkipChecks = 1 to the Registry.
Now the Backup runs without errors, but the Jobs run under the Server-User "DOMAIN\XXXX-SQL-01$" and not with the Useraccount specified for the SQL Backup Service.
How can i get the Backup Service to run under the correct Domain User Account?
i'm on a new System (Windows Server 2012 R2 / SQL Server 2012 Enterprise) with a fresh install of SQL Backup 7.6
The SQL Backup Service runs under a Domain User with appropriate permissions.
But the scheduled Backup Jobs failed with Error 880.
17.03.2014 20:10:00: Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database: (master) 17.03.2014 20:10:00: SQL error 15157: Fehler bei 'Setuser' aufgrund einer der folgenden Ursachen: Der Datenbankprinzipal 'DOMAIN\XXXX-SQL-01$' ist nicht vorhanden, der entsprechende Serverprinzipal hat keinen Serverzugriff, für diese Art von Datenbankprinzipal ist kein Identitätswechsel möglich, oder Sie haben nicht die erforderliche Berechtigung.
I added SkipChecks = 1 to the Registry.
Now the Backup runs without errors, but the Jobs run under the Server-User "DOMAIN\XXXX-SQL-01$" and not with the Useraccount specified for the SQL Backup Service.
How can i get the Backup Service to run under the correct Domain User Account?
The SkipChecks registry key simply prevents SQL Backup from performing the User Rights check.
Scheduled jobs, use the SQL Agent to trigger the command to the SQL Backup Extended Stored procedure so the backup or restore runs.
I suspect the Job owner or the SQL Agent service account is being picked up as the account running the job. Is this incorrect user being displayed in SSMS or SQL Backup GUI or both?
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
thanks for your reply.
The incorrect user is being displayed in the GUI and in the error message.
Now things go strange... I changed nothing, but suddenly the scheduled jobs are running under the SQLAgent account.
Nonetheless the jobs schould run under the correct domain user.
- The jobs are owned by "sa".
- The SQLBackup Service is running under the domain account DOMAIN\SQL-Mgnt-Service
Please take a look at the screenshots
Thank you!
The user name you see displayed in the User name field in the activity history is the task owner.
For scheduled backup and restore tasks, this is either the owner of the scheduled job or the account given to the SQL Agent.
For backup and restore tasks created through the GUI using either the backup or restore wizard, will show as the logged in user of the GUI.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
thanks for the clarification.
kind regards