Jobs not searched?

I'm working on a new project, on a database that has many SQL Server jobs.
I had hoped that SQL Search could help me locate which jobs are calling out particular stored procedures (e.g., show me all jobs that invoke sproc 'foo').
Sadly, SQL Search seems to fail badly in this instance - jobs are completely ignored, apparently.
So I have had to resort to using this query instead:
use msdb
select as job_name, st.command
from sysjobs sj
join sysjobsteps st
on sj.job_id = st.job_id
where st.command like '%mysprocname%'
Are there any plans to change this? It seems like a major oversight/bug to not search for jobs.
I had hoped that SQL Search could help me locate which jobs are calling out particular stored procedures (e.g., show me all jobs that invoke sproc 'foo').
Sadly, SQL Search seems to fail badly in this instance - jobs are completely ignored, apparently.
So I have had to resort to using this query instead:
use msdb
select as job_name, st.command
from sysjobs sj
join sysjobsteps st
on sj.job_id = st.job_id
where st.command like '%mysprocname%'
Are there any plans to change this? It seems like a major oversight/bug to not search for jobs.
Please, vote at this feature request site of SQL Search to move it up in the wish list.