
Error: Failed to read file list from backup file.

MarkJMarkJ Posts: 16
edited September 4, 2006 4:17AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
I notice this error has already been reported but I see no resolution to it.
I run the command exec master..sqlbackup '-sql "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = [<file name>]"' and get no results. I am trying to restore a file from the pro version of 4.1 to a standard version of 4.1. This file has sucessfully been previously restored in the production environment. Now I want to restore the data in our dev environment.


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    peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Can you try
    exec master..sqlbackup '-sql "RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY FROM DISK = &#91;&lt;file name&gt;&#93;"'

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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    I get this message

    Reading SQB file header of "C:\Data\Backup\abackup.sqb" Error 560: File does not exist: C:\Data\Backup\abackup.sqb

    There are seven database files within this backup
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    peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    The service application doesn't seem to be able to 'see' this file. Any there any restrictions on the SQL Backup Agent service user to read from this folder?
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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    The SQL Backup Agent service user has Full Control rights on the folder and file
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    peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Could you pls try making a backup to that folder, and reading the filelist of the file e.g.

    master..sqlbackup '-sql "BACKUP DATABASE model TO DISK = [C:\Data\Backup\model.sqb]"'

    master..sqlbackup '-sql "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = [C:\Data\Backup\model.sqb]"'

    Also, does your file name contain unicode characters? If so, you need to use the N qualifier e.g.

    exec master..sqlbackup N'-sql "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = [<file name>]"'
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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    I'm getting this message while trialling the software. Is it possible that it's related to trying to restore to a different server/path. If so, how do I go about changing the destination via the GUI, or do I have to specify the WITH MOVE option in a command line?
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    peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    At which step in the Restore Wizard are you receiving the 'Cannot read file list' error?

    If it's on step 3, the GUI is running the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command only, not actually restoring the file.

    If you want to use the WITH MOVE option, on step 3 of the REstore Wizard, click on the 'Database files' button.
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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    It is step 3 and the error occurs twice. The first is when the step 3 dialog opens, before I select anything. If I enter a database name and then press the Database Files button the message appears again and repeatably.
    If I ignore the message and proceed the restore fails. I can convert the backup to MTF and restore it to a new server as normal.
    Bryan Lane
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    peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    What happens when you try to restore the file list manually from Query Analyzer or SSMS e.g.

    sqlbackup '-sql "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = [<file name>]"'
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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