Error when creating new release
I am trying to create a release and I get the error below.
Any help much appreciated.
I am trying to create a release and I get the error below.
Any help much appreciated.
It looks like the nuget server doesn't have access to the directory it's trying to store data in.
I don't know why this has happened, but I think that if you set the Deployment Manager Portal to run as a user with permission to access this folder, it should fix your problem.
To do this, open up IIS by running "inetmgr".
Under application pools, right click on "Deployment Manager Portal" and select "Advanced Settings". Change the value of "Identity" to be your preferred user.
Software Developer
Deployment Manager
If you open up the nuget server's web.config, at
<deployment manager installdir>\NuGet\web.config
(the default install dir is C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\Deployment Manager)
what value is set for "packagesPath"? It will be set in a line that looks something like this:
<add key="packagesPath" value="[this is the value]"/>
The default is "C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\DeploymentManager\Data\feed"
Software Developer
Deployment Manager
<add key="packagesPath" value="C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\DeploymentManager\Data\feed"/>
Could you check that Deployment Manager is running as NetworkService for me? You can do this by checking what the "identity" is set to as described above.
If that's the case, then maybe the permissions of NetworkService are unusual on this machine - which version of Windows are you using, and have you changed the default permissions?
Software Developer
Deployment Manager
Software Developer
Deployment Manager
I think you confirmed earlier that it is indeed using NetworkService- have you tried explicitly granting full control to the folder to that account? It's possible you have some sort of group-policy in place that's affecting it?
If that doesn't help, it's probably worth running process monitor to see if a different account is attempting to access that location and failing. Feel free to send the captured output over to if you're not sure what you're looking for.
Redgate Software
I have a package called "Test" using deployment manager package feed and the package is set to deploy to my PC from the server
I ran the below command
and now I get this when deploying release
Redgate Software
Can you tell me what lines appear in the server's app.config (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\Deployment Manager\Server\RedGate.Deploy.Server.exe.config) in the <appSettings> section? Is there an entry for key="Bindings.AgentSendTimeout"?
Redgate Software
<add key="Logging.Level" value="Debug" />
<add key="Tasks.ExecutionThreads" value="4" />
<add key="Health.AutomaticCheckInterval" value="00:30:00" />
To check whether the Deployment Agent is running, check the state of the 'Red Gate Deployment Agent' service on the target machine.
To check connectivity with the agent, you can try pinging the agent from the machine that the Deployment Manager server is installed on. If that works, you can also try navigating to [url=http://]http://[/url]<your-agent-machine-address>:10301/ in a browser on the Deployment Manager server machine; you should see an HTML page that starts with the message:
If the service is running but you can't reach the service page from a browser, the most likely reason is that a firewall is getting in the way. Port 10301 needs to be opened on the agent machine to allow the server to communicate with it.
As an aside, the misleading message about timeouts happens because we use WCF reliable sessions with message level security, and they retry operations until a timeout rather than providing useful error messages.
Redgate Software