Restoring a redgate encrypted backup on a different server

muralijvmuralijv Posts: 2
edited April 11, 2013 7:01AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
Hi Guys,

We are planning to use RedGate product for our backup solution. Before we go head with the product, I wud like to know how do I restore a encrypted backup on a different server without REDGATE tools. From time to time we provide production ( sanitised) DB backups for various third parties. how can I ensure that they can restore these backups taken by REDGATE tool.

Thanks your help


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Hi, thank you for your forum post.

    In the situation where you need to restore a backup file created by SQL Backup onto a machine that does not have our software installed. Simply use the conversation tool available in your SQL Backup install folder. The tool is called SQBConverter.exe by default installed when you install the SQL Backup GUI in this path:
    C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup 7 - 32-bit machine
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup 7 - 64-bit machine

    Or download the stand-alone conversion tool available on this web PAGE. Scroll down the page and locate the SQL Backup to MTF Convertor.

    Run the tool, specify the path to the backup file you wish to convert, as the backup file is encrypted, enter the password and convert the backup. This process creates a *.bak file that you can then use native SQL Server restore tools to restore the file.

    Please note, depending on the number of threads used to create the original sqb, the conversion process will create a *.bak file corresponding to each thread.

    For example, a sqb file created using 3 threads will create 3 bak files.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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