Cannot add database to Soruce Control - Setup tab corrupt

Hi All
Trying to a dd a DB from a remote server to source control. When I go to setup tab the top section (where the buttons should be) is virtually blank.
Trying to a dd a DB from a remote server to source control. When I go to setup tab the top section (where the buttons should be) is virtually blank.
A support call has been created for you, the call reference is F0071026.
Can you please send an e-mail to with a screen shot of what you are seeing when you select the setup tab and include the above call reference in the subject line of the e-mail.
Also does restarting SSMS resolve the problem?
Are you using any unusually large fonts or strange screen resolution sizes?
Confirm the exact version of SQL Source Control you are using?
Confirm the version of SSMS you are using?
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd