
DB Restore Status Remains

noob2013noob2013 Posts: 25
edited April 10, 2013 12:52PM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
Using SQL Backup

Restored database from a backup file from another with "Overwrite existing database" option and "Kill any existing connections to the database" checked.

Anyway, it's a big database, but the restore has been running for 2 days now. And the status is still in Restoring ...

When I look at Activity History tab below, it says Successful; and when I double click the history, it says "There are no errors or warnings associated with this restore".

This is the final line of the Activity Log
1/28/2013 9:21:42 AM: SQL Backup process ended.

But the status is still in Restoring... and I cannot connect to it using SSMS2008. I am getting the following error

Msg 927, Level 14, State 2, Line 5
Database 'abc' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.

Edit: Have since restarted SQL Backup Agent service on the server. Didn't help ...

How do I fix this issue?


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