Error 890-SQL Error 15157 Problem

I am trying to set up log shipping between two servers. I select the source and destination, and create a new database to restore to option. I set the compression, network share, test the share, set the restore to read only, leave the schedule as is accepting the defaults. When I get to the Finish steps on the wizard, it will backup the database, copy the backup to the share, but when it gets to restoring the database on the server I get:
Setting up log shipping - Failed
Backing up source database - Successful
This operation completed successfully.
Backing up TubeData (full database) on SOGDMFG20 instance to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SOGDMFG20\MSSQL\Backup\SEED_TubeData_20121022120758.sqb
Database size : 13.938 MB
Compressed data size: 447.000 KB
Compression rate : 96.87%
Processed 328 pages for database 'TubeData', file 'LinerData' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'TubeData', file 'LinerData_log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 330 pages in 0.168 seconds (15.314 MB/sec).
SQL Backup process ended.
Restoring database to destination server - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring TubeData (database) on SOGD0016 instance from:
Error 890: RESTORE DATABASE permission denied for database: (TubeData)
SQL error 15157: Setuser failed because of one of the following reasons: the database principal 'W-INTRA\wrightjw' does not exist, its corresponding server principal does not have server access, this type of database principal cannot be impersonated, or
you do not have permission.
SQL Backup exit code: 890
SQL error code: 15157
Creating backup job - Pending
Operation pending.
Create restore job - Pending
Operation pending.
Refresh server information - Pending
Operation pending.
This user is in the administration group and is also in the SQL server admin group as well. (Server Role sysadmin). What am I missing here?
I am running Windows 2008 32 bit and SQL Server 2008 R2.
Setting up log shipping - Failed
Backing up source database - Successful
This operation completed successfully.
Backing up TubeData (full database) on SOGDMFG20 instance to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SOGDMFG20\MSSQL\Backup\SEED_TubeData_20121022120758.sqb
Database size : 13.938 MB
Compressed data size: 447.000 KB
Compression rate : 96.87%
Processed 328 pages for database 'TubeData', file 'LinerData' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'TubeData', file 'LinerData_log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 330 pages in 0.168 seconds (15.314 MB/sec).
SQL Backup process ended.
Restoring database to destination server - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring TubeData (database) on SOGD0016 instance from:
Error 890: RESTORE DATABASE permission denied for database: (TubeData)
SQL error 15157: Setuser failed because of one of the following reasons: the database principal 'W-INTRA\wrightjw' does not exist, its corresponding server principal does not have server access, this type of database principal cannot be impersonated, or
you do not have permission.
SQL Backup exit code: 890
SQL error code: 15157
Creating backup job - Pending
Operation pending.
Create restore job - Pending
Operation pending.
Refresh server information - Pending
Operation pending.
This user is in the administration group and is also in the SQL server admin group as well. (Server Role sysadmin). What am I missing here?
I am running Windows 2008 32 bit and SQL Server 2008 R2.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Setting up log shipping - Failed
Backing up source database - Successful
This operation completed successfully.
Backing up TubeData (full database) on SOGDMFG20 instance to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SOGDMFG20\MSSQL\Backup\SEED_TubeData_20121023082354.sqb
Database size : 13.938 MB
Compressed data size: 447.000 KB
Compression rate : 96.87%
Processed 328 pages for database 'TubeData', file 'LinerData' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'TubeData', file 'LinerData_log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 329 pages in 0.154 seconds (16.690 MB/sec).
SQL Backup process ended.
Restoring database to destination server - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring TubeData (database) on SOGD0016 instance from:
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; and that no other processes are
blocking the backup or restore process; or try increasing the value of the VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
Also check that the database is not currently in use.
SPID Status Login HostName BlkBy DBName Command CPUTime DiskIO LastBatch ProgramName SPID_1 REQUESTID
59 RUNNABLE NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SOGD0016 . master SELECT INTO 47 17 10/23 08:23:58 SQBCoreService.exe 59 0
SQL error 5069: ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
SQL error 5011: User does not have permission to alter database 'TubeData', the database does not exist, or the database is not in a state that allows access checks.
Failed to obtain memory status: SQL error 229: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sqbmemory', database 'master', schema 'dbo'.
SQL Backup exit code: 1010
SQL error code: 5011
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8