
Get command line to return name of database it installed

jquevedojquevedo Posts: 2
edited September 24, 2012 9:59AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
I have an installer that I'm making that I'm allowing the user to rename the database when they run the packager exe file to create the database. However I later on need to know the name of the database they entered in the packager. Is there anyway to get it to return the name of the database it just installed?


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    I'm not sure what type of installer you are creating, but if it's a Windows Installer, there's probably an unsecured property inside your own MSI that you could re-use containing the database name.

    SQL Packager packages do echo back the database name like this:
    Creating Database: {0}
    so if you can parse the output from the package, you could look for the text "Creating database:" and then parse for the next word - that should be the name of the new database you created with the /makedatabase switch.
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