Permissions - Warning 200 and System Error 5

Same issue as others mentioned here. Maybe my situation is unique -
I am running SQL Backup on a cluster
Warning 200:
Warning 200: Error creating backup file: \\SANSHAREFOLDER\PATHTOBACKUPFOLDER\xxxx.sqb.
Warning: System error 5 (Access is denied)
So using the Copy Backup to Network check box and also tried just the folder option by entering the network location - both don't work.
How would SAN shares be represented?
I assume:
folder does not exist.
Checking the path by running this in SSMS:
I am running the backups under an account that has full permissions to the share and every file and folder in it.
One other point I am trying to backup databases on a second cluster.
Any clues would be helpful.
I am running SQL Backup on a cluster
Warning 200:
Warning 200: Error creating backup file: \\SANSHAREFOLDER\PATHTOBACKUPFOLDER\xxxx.sqb.
Warning: System error 5 (Access is denied)
So using the Copy Backup to Network check box and also tried just the folder option by entering the network location - both don't work.
How would SAN shares be represented?
I assume:
folder does not exist.
Checking the path by running this in SSMS:
I am running the backups under an account that has full permissions to the share and every file and folder in it.
One other point I am trying to backup databases on a second cluster.
Any clues would be helpful.
What happens when you back up a small database to the network share using SSMS e.g.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Thread 0 error:
Error 605: Error creating backup file(s). No files could be created.
Warning 200: Thread 0 warning:
Warning 200: Error creating backup file: \\SANSHAREFOLDER\PATHTOBACKUPFOLDER\model.sqb.
Warning: System error 5 (Access is denied)
SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3271: SQL error 3271: A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "SQLBACKUP_FBDF67A0-5B0A-4CF1-8B12-605178CF3056:" 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.).
Warning 110: Failed to save primary log file: Cannot create file "\\SANSHAREFOLDER\PATHTOBACKUPFOLDER20120110 143543 01.log". Access is denied.
Warning 110: Failed to save primary log file: Cannot create file "\\SANSHAREFOLDER\PATHTOBACKUPFOLDER20120110 143543 01.log". Access is denied.
SQL Backup exit code: 790
SQL error code: 3271
With windows explorer, from the target SQL Server cluster I can access the Network Share on the SAN and create, modify and delete files. SO this means all the permissions are set fine.
Still unclear why I can't access the share from within SQLBackup or SSMS.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
If so, can you then change the SQL Backup Agent service startup account to the same account used by the SQL Server service, and then try backing up to the same network share using SQL Backup?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Then tap yes when urged by User Account Control. Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 users can solve this issue by tapping Windows key + X at the same time to open quick-access menu. Here press the option of Command Prompt (Admin). Then press the option of Yes when prompted by User Account Control and hopefully you would be able to solve this error.