Install Question - Single Server Install

EdCardenEdCarden Posts: 138 Silver 2
edited June 14, 2011 5:45AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I did do a search on this and got zero hits but if this is already been discussed please provide a link and I will read through that thread.

Of the install options is it OK to do a sinngle server install where the

1) Web Server
2) Base Monitor Server
3) Repository Database

Are all on a single server so long as the SQL Server Instance being monitored is a different server from where theee 3 are installed?


In my environment I have 2 servers SQL01 & SQL02. SQL01 has my live DB's and is the SQL Server I wish to monitor. Would it be OK per RG install guidelines if I put on SQL02 all 3 parts of SQL Monitor and use it to monitor the SQL01 server?



  • Hi,

    There is no restriction on installing all the three components on the same server. It all depends on the hardware of the server. If it is good enough to take the load then you can install everything on one server.

    You can read more about the requirement here.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • EdCardenEdCarden Posts: 138 Silver 2
    Thanks for rpelying. After I posted this question I went ahead and did an all in one install to test this and it does work fine. The Server being monitored is a different server though.

    I wanted an all in one install for the purposes of reviewing the trial version of the sofwtare. If we go with SQL Monitor we'd spread the steup across 2 systems for live use.
  • Thats great to hear Ed! Hope your trial is going good. If you need more time for trialing then do get in touch with us.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • Hi

    I've installed all 3 components on 1 server, i.e. our management server. The Web Server was installed as a service, as we don't have IIS installed. How to I go about publishing this, as I don't want to have to log on to the machine everytime to get to Monitor. Anyway I can expose this in a URL?

    It is currently setup as:

    Many thanks.
  • Hi Nicolaas,

    The URL when you are browsing remotely would be

    http://IP of the machine where you have installed:8080/

    If the web server is behind the firewall then you would have to follow the steps as per this article to allow accessing webserver behind firewall.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
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