Dependency fail

In Upgrade Database option for SQL Packager some stored procedures are created/changed before table changes, causing dependecy error. Even with include dependencies checked.
How to fix ?
Server: SQL Server 2005 SP4.
In Upgrade Database option for SQL Packager some stored procedures are created/changed before table changes, causing dependecy error. Even with include dependencies checked.
How to fix ?
Server: SQL Server 2005 SP4.
In your case, it sounds more like SQL Packager isn't able to determine the correct order for some reason, and this can occur if there is an effectively circular chain - so for instance if the SP references a column in a table, then normally the table would be scripted first, but if the table has a computed column that somehow then refers back to the SP, the correct ordering cannot be determined.
Can you reproduce the same thing on an earlier release, while using the same database at all?
Redgate Software
If that doesn't help, then we'd probably need the databases here to try and see if we can spot the problem.
Redgate Software