Hmm, I guess it could be the large number of partitions that are affecting it; I can't say I've tried it on that particular configuration of database. One to have a look at in the office tomorrow. There's an option to ignore filegroups and partition schemes, and I think it's on by default, so that may not make any difference. And of course if that's something you want to compare and sync you don't really want to turn it off!
Sorry for my delay in replying.
I'm not sure a snapshot would correctly define all the partitions - could you instead run a create script for the DB and send that?
Does this problem only occur with one database, or any?
Redgate Software
Redgate Software
I'm not sure a snapshot would correctly define all the partitions - could you instead run a create script for the DB and send that?
Please send it to quoting F0045754 in the subject line.
Redgate Software