Storage Compress

I just tried to restore a 200Gb database using Storage Compress 5.
Named the files mdfx and ldfx
Got this error:
Restoring full backup - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring tes_community (database) on TSLDBBUILD02 instance from:
SQL Server error
SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 5171: SQL error 5171: U:\MSSQLDATA\tes_community.mdfx is not a primary database file.
SQL Backup exit code: 1100
SQL error code: 5171
Updating SQL Server information - Pending
Operation pending.
Named the files mdfx and ldfx
Got this error:
Restoring full backup - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring tes_community (database) on TSLDBBUILD02 instance from:
SQL Server error
SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 5171: SQL error 5171: U:\MSSQLDATA\tes_community.mdfx is not a primary database file.
SQL Backup exit code: 1100
SQL error code: 5171
Updating SQL Server information - Pending
Operation pending.
Sorry for the delay in replying back to you.
The problem you are experiencing I believe is a SQL Error and not neccesary SQL Backup or SQL Storage Compress problem.
SQL Error 5171, in my experience, occurs when attaching a database file and the database file header is corrupt or invalid information is in the header.
Are you able to perform a normal restore using the SQL Backup file .sqb, not using SQL Storage Compress?
What syntax are you using to perform the SQL Storage Compress restore?
Do you have available another SQL Backup .sqb file you can use for test purposes and attempt a Storage Compress restore on this backup file?
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd