Can't move servers from licensed servers to unlicensed serve

I can't move servers from the licensed server list to the unlicensed server list. When I click on a server on the licensed list it doesn't get "selected". The license and unlicense button is disabled. Likewise when I try to select a server from the unlicensed list it doesn't let me select one.
When I am holding the mouse button down the server is selected (blue background) but as soon as I release the mouse button it is unselected (white background) and the license / unlicense buttons are both disabled.
When I am holding the mouse button down the server is selected (blue background) but as soon as I release the mouse button it is unselected (white background) and the license / unlicense buttons are both disabled.
We are aware of this issue in Internet explorer.
This should work in Firefox. Could you please verify if this works for you or not in Firefox?
Project Manager
Red Gate Software
Project Manager
Red Gate Software