Installing SQLMonitor in a Disconnected Environment

Our company has a central network and we have multiple separate hosted environments at other locations. Each of the other locations has at least one database server and 3-4 other web / application servers. I would like to setup SQLMonitor so that the information from each location can be forwarded back to our central location (or at least visible from our central location). We do not have 1433 access to the hosted environments.
How do I do this?
If we can overcome this hurdle I think it is likely that we would go with this product as our monitoring solution.
Thank you
How do I do this?
If we can overcome this hurdle I think it is likely that we would go with this product as our monitoring solution.
Thank you
You may already be aware that SQL Monitor has three parts:
1. SQL Monitor Base Service - The service which collects data.
2. SQL Monitor Data Repository - Database which stores data for SQL Monitor.
3. SQL Monitor Web Server - Client or user interface.
To set up your environment:
1. You can install Base Monitor Service in each hosted environment. Have the database repository also in the same environment.
2. This installation can then monitor only the servers which are in this environment only.
Note: SQL Monitor not only uses SQL (port 1433) but also uses different data collection methods. This web pages lists all the data collection methods ... 340335.htm
For web server, you can then
Option 1: Install a web server in each hosted environment. Then expose the web server to the central network. Installing SQL Monitor Web Server takes no more than 2, 3 minutes. This page willl help you with the steps ... %20Monitor
Option 2: Install only a web server in central environment. Then just open one port between web server and hosted environment so that web server can communicate with base monitor service.
I must say that the disadvantage with option 2 is that since you are using only one web server hence you will have to constantly switch connection to different base monitors which is not ideal. So I would personally recommend option 1.
Thought it is worth mentioning that we are planning for a feature called 'Remote Monitor' for 2.2 release. This will massively simplify the set up for your environment. The idea is that for a distributed environment like yours, you should be able to install a service called 'Remote Monitor' (RM) in each hosted environment. The function of RM would be to collect the data and then send it to Base Monitor. You can have multiple RM in your set up. The Base Monitor will then collect data from each of the RM's and then present it to the client. You just have to open one port to allow communication between Base Monitor and Remote Monitor. This will also help you to see all the data on one UI rather than multiple UI.
Hope this helps. Let us know if you need more information.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software
Remote Monitor is EXACTLY what we'd need for our environment. That's terrific that you're already working on that solution. If we purchase v2.1 would we be eligible for the v2.2 upgrade to include Remote Monitor? (or is that a question I'd need to ask sales?)
Also, does your company make a product to monitor web servers (similar to the SQL monitor)?
Thanks again and we look forward to the RM product!!
Thanks for your post. RM is one of the highest priority at the moment for us. If everything goes as per plan then this will definitely be part of 2.2 release.
Any minor upgrade i.e. 2.2, 2.3 and so on are free upgrades if you buy version 2.
Regarding monitoring web servers, unfortunately we dont have any product at the moment.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software