
Ignoring identical records programmatically (version 7)

AndrewNAndrewN Posts: 3
I wish to programatically compare two views ignoring identical records.

Is the following a valid use of the CompareDatabase method:

var session = new ComparisonSession();
session.CompareDatabases(databasea,database2, mappings, (SessionSettings.IncludeRecordsInOne | SessionSettings.IncludeRecordsInTwo | SessionSettings.IncludeDifferentRecords));

Or is there a better solution?

Thanks in advance.


  • Options
    Thanks for your post.

    That would be the way I would recommend to do it. Although identical records will excluded from the synchronization by default.
  • Options
    Thank you for your reply.

    I raised the question because I was searching for ways to keep the temporary file size down to a minimum in addition to compressing the file size. I have achieved that now.

    Thanks again.
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