brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
edited March 28, 2011 12:59PM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
I'm trying to script a restore job using the LATEST_ALL option and it never starts and I don't receive any errors. It's currently been running for 20 minutes and it's a very small database (about 512MB) and there is 35 files, a full, diff and some logs. Here's the command

EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [ReportServer] FROM DISK = [C:\temp\reportserver\REPORTSERVER*.sqb] LATEST_ALL WITH NORECOVERY"'


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,798 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your post into the Forum.

    I suspect that you are using Version of SQL Backup? If the answer is yes, there is a known bug. For some reason the LASTEST_ALL keyword will only work with 10 or less files.

    The good news there is a patch that fixes this problem which can be downloaded using this LINK

    To apply the patch:
      1. Close the SQL Backup GUI. 2. Stop the SQL Backup Agent Service. 3. Locate the exiting 'SQBCoreService.exe' and 'SQLBackupC.exe', by default in the server components install folder, C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup 6\(local) or SQL Instance Name. 4. Rename the existing files V6.4.0.56 files, for example to 'OLDSQBCoreService.exe' and 'OLDSQLBackupC.exe' 5. Extract the replacement 'SQBCoreService.exe' and 'SQLBackupC.exe' files from the zip file downloaded and copy them into the installation folder. 6. Restart the SQL Backup Agent service. 7. Ensure that the SQL Backup Agent service starts successfully. 8. Open the SQL Backup GUI, ensure that you obatin a successful connection to the registered server. 9. Perform a test backup and ensure that it is successful. 10. Perform your LATEST_ALL backup.
    Any problems, please reply to this forum post.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    That must be it. That's the version I'm running. Many thanks.
  • I have been having a similar issue with the Latest_All switch on SQLBackup In my case, the latest full backup would restore correctly but then the process would hang indefinitely, never starting the subsequent differential and/or log restores. I downloaded the patch listed in this thread and now I get a different issue. The full restore succeeds, but then any subsequent differential restores fail with the following errors:
    SQL error 5069: ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
    SQL error 5052: ALTER DATABASE is not permitted while a database is in the Restoring state.

    I get this even if I use a full and differential backup generated from the same DB on the same server immediately prior to the restore attempt, as per the script below:
    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [FMP] To DISK = [E:\Temp\AMRSQLRepl_FMP_20100707_1536_Full.sqb] WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION=4, KEYSIZE=128, PASSWORD=[pwd], VERIFY"'
    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP LOG [FMP] To DISK = [E:\Temp\AMRSQLRepl_FMP_20100707_1537_Log.sqb] WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION=4, KEYSIZE=128, PASSWORD=[pwd], VERIFY"'

    All three backup stages completed normally, as did the full restore stage.
    SQL server version is 9.0.4053. Script run under the "sa" account.

  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    I could not reproduce the error using the script you provided, build of SQL Backup, on SQL Server 2005, logged on as 'sa'.

    Could you please run Profiler, trace the commands that SQL Backup (SQBCoreService.exe) sends to SQL Server, and let me know the full ALTER DATABASE command that's failing?

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • Well, by the time I finished my other tasks and got back to this, I could not reproduce this error either. I suspect another, stuck backup/restore may have been interfering. However, now the LATEST_ALL ( only restores the latest FULL and DIFFERENTIAL backups but not the LOG backups. Here is the revised script and the output from same. I get the same restore results using the command line (which puts version in the output, not .56). I have to run a separate log restore to get the test DB back on line (it stays in the restoring state after the differential). If I omit the test, differential backup and only use a full plus log backups in the test script then only the full backup is restored.

    ---- Test SQL Script ----
    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [FMP] To DISK = [<auto>] WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION=2, KEYSIZE=128, PASSWORD=[TestPwd?!?!], VERIFY"'
    select * INTO FMP.dbo.PFMATemp from FMP.dbo.PFMAArea
    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP LOG [FMP] To DISK = [<Auto>] WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION=2, KEYSIZE=128, PASSWORD=[TestPwd?!?!], VERIFY"'
    --- This LOG backup should be ignored by Latest_All due to the following DIFF.

    SELECT *
    INTO FMP.dbo.PFMATemp10
    FROM FMP.dbo.PFMAArea
    WHERE [PFMAArea]='10'


    SELECT *
    INTO FMP.dbo.PFMATemp20
    FROM FMP.dbo.PFMAArea
    WHERE [PFMAArea]='20'

    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP LOG [FMP] To DISK = [<Auto>] WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION=2, KEYSIZE=128, PASSWORD=[TestPwd?!?!], VERIFY"'


    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP LOG [FMP] To DISK = [<Auto>] WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION=2, KEYSIZE=128, PASSWORD=[TestPwd?!?!], VERIFY"'



    ---- results of test script ----

    SQL Backup v6.4.0.56
    Backing up FMP (full database) to:

    Database size : 145.000 MB
    Compressed data size: 466.500 KB
    Compression rate : 99.69%

    Processed 392 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_Data' on file 1.
    Processed 2 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 394 pages in 0.255 seconds (12.629 MB/sec).

    Verifying files:

    The backup set on file 1 is valid.
    SQL Backup process ended.

    name value

    exitcode 0
    sqlerrorcode 0
    filename001 C:\temp\SQLLocalBackup\AMRSQLREPL_(local)_FMP_20100709_111055_FULL.sqb

    SQL Backup v6.4.0.56
    Backing up FMP (transaction log) to:

    Backup data size : 640.000 KB
    Compressed data size: 21.000 KB
    Compression rate : 96.72%

    Processed 8 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP LOG successfully processed 8 pages in 0.025 seconds (2.314 MB/sec).

    Verifying files:

    The backup set on file 1 is valid.
    SQL Backup process ended.

    name value

    exitcode 0
    sqlerrorcode 0
    filename001 C:\temp\SQLLocalBackup\AMRSQLREPL_(local)_FMP_20100709_111058_LOG.sqb

    SQL Backup v6.4.0.56
    Backing up FMP (differential database) to:

    Backup data size : 2.688 MB
    Compressed data size: 186.000 KB
    Compression rate : 93.24%

    Processed 144 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_Data' on file 1.
    Processed 5 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP DATABASE WITH DIFFERENTIAL successfully processed 149 pages in 0.134 seconds (9.066 MB/sec).

    Verifying files:

    The backup set on file 1 is valid.
    SQL Backup process ended.

    name value

    exitcode 0
    sqlerrorcode 0
    filename001 C:\temp\SQLLocalBackup\AMRSQLREPL_(local)_FMP_20100709_111103_DIFF.sqb

    SQL Backup v6.4.0.56
    Backing up FMP (transaction log) to:

    Backup data size : 640.000 KB
    Compressed data size: 17.500 KB
    Compression rate : 97.27%

    Processed 7 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP LOG successfully processed 7 pages in 0.020 seconds (2.560 MB/sec).

    Verifying files:

    The backup set on file 1 is valid.
    SQL Backup process ended.

    name value

    exitcode 0
    sqlerrorcode 0
    filename001 C:\temp\SQLLocalBackup\AMRSQLREPL_(local)_FMP_20100709_111105_LOG.sqb

    SQL Backup v6.4.0.56
    Backing up FMP (transaction log) to:

    Backup data size : 640.000 KB
    Compressed data size: 14.000 KB
    Compression rate : 97.81%

    Processed 3 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP LOG successfully processed 3 pages in 0.026 seconds (0.689 MB/sec).

    Verifying files:

    The backup set on file 1 is valid.
    SQL Backup process ended.

    name value

    exitcode 0
    sqlerrorcode 0
    filename001 C:\temp\SQLLocalBackup\AMRSQLREPL_(local)_FMP_20100709_111108_LOG.sqb

    SQL Backup v6.4.0.56
    Restoring FMP (database) from:

    Processed 392 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_Data' on file 1.
    Processed 2 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 394 pages in 1.445 seconds (2.228 MB/sec).

    Restoring FMP (database) from:

    Processed 144 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_Data' on file 1.
    Processed 5 pages for database 'FMP', file 'FMP_log' on file 1.
    RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 149 pages in 1.528 seconds (0.795 MB/sec).

    SQL Backup process ended.

    name value

    exitcode 0
    sqlerrorcode 0

    Msg 927, Level 14, State 2, Line 2
    Database 'FMP' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.
  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    >> Msg 927, Level 14, State 2, Line 2
    >> Database 'FMP' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.

    This last error suggests that there is still something wrong with SQL Backup trying to access the database in an invalid manner. Could you please run Profiler and trace what was the last action attempted by the SQL Backup Agent service? You can filter on the application name SQBCoreService.exe.

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • FYI - the error at the end of my last post was not from SQL Backup. It was from the USE [Database] statement at the end of my test script. SQL Backup's last result was "successful". I will re-do the script with profiler as requested when I get a chance, but I had to revert to release .0.56 on this server because the .1001 version was failing on larger log shipping restores (>8GB log change on 80GB DB after index rebuild) - it would start restoring, but would not complete, ever. Same with a full restore of the same DB.

    I will "re-install" the 1001 files and try testing again, but I will have to set up a designated test server with a trial install to do so - no more "testing" on our production hot-spare log shipping system!
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    I have the same results as mgjernes. The full and differentials restore but no logs applied and the database is left in the restoring state.
  • I made a further discovery by chance when I tried the RESTORE_LATEST on a different database from my primary test candidate. This one had far more frequent log backups, so I had about 8 log backup files after the differential. The RESTORE_LATEST correctly identified the FULL and DIFF backups and restored those, but then it tried to start restoring the LOG from the 5th one in the sequence and failed due to mismatched LSN. So, it may be that it is not the restore component that is failing when "it doesn't restore the LOG backups" but rather the backup file search component. If I can get a chance, I will redo this test with a trace in the next couple of days.
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    I see no indication of a log restore being attempted.
  • How many log backup files are in your test set? I did not see any log restore attempts when I only had 3 log backups after the differential, but I did see the wrong-log-backup restore attempt when I had quite a few more.
  • I have run a profiler trace against 3 different restore processes. One in which Latest_All succeeds, one in which it fails on a "to new" log backup restore and then one using restore log against the full log set that the previous "latest_all" should have used.

    In the Latest_all attempt that fails, the last action attempted by the SQBCoreService process is the first log restore (from a set of 3 virtual devices) after the database restores for, presummably, the preceeding full and differential backups, also from sets of virtual devices.
  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Are you guys using the LATEST_ALL option alone, or with the BACKUPHISTORY option?

    Are you guys also using the patched version, as the official version has a known bug where it doesn't attempt to check more than 10 transaction log files in a directory?

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    I'm using LATEST_ALL option by itself and I am using the patch. The backups don't have to originate from a patched install do they? The only one that's patched is the one I'm trying to do the restore to.
  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    No, the files do not need to originate from the patched version.

    When you use just the LATEST_ALL option, SQL Backup attempts to sort the files based on the header details contained in each file. With regards to your test where only the full and differential backups were applied, but not the transaction log backups, could you please run RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY on each of those files (for the trx log files, just the first couple of files would do) e.g.
    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-sql "RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = &#91;adventureworks.sqb&#93;"'

    and post the following details for each of those files:

    Backup start
    Backup finish
    First LSN
    Last LSN
    Checkpoint LSN
    Differential base LSN

    Also, please check if the 'Server name' and 'Database name' values are consistent.

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    Here you go. First 3 after the diff.

    Backup start : 7/29/2010 10:15:05 AM
    Backup finish: 7/29/2010 10:15:05 AM
    First LSN : 16630000000491400001
    Last LSN : 16630000000491600001
    Checkpoint LSN : 16630000000491400001
    Database backup LSN : 16603000000066900038
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    Backup start : 7/29/2010 10:30:04 AM
    Backup finish: 7/29/2010 10:30:04 AM
    First LSN : 16630000000491600001
    Last LSN : 16630000000491900001
    Checkpoint LSN : 16630000000491400001
    Database backup LSN : 16603000000066900038
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    Backup start : 7/29/2010 10:38:17 AM
    Backup finish: 7/29/2010 10:38:17 AM
    First LSN : 16630000000491900001
    Last LSN : 16630000000585500001
    Checkpoint LSN : 16630000000491400001
    Database backup LSN : 16603000000066900038
    Differential base LSN : NULL
  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    I'm sorry, but I also need the details for the full and differential backups.

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    Backup start : 7/25/2010 2:30:18 AM
    Backup finish: 7/25/2010 2:30:24 AM
    First LSN : 16603000000066900038
    Last LSN : 16603000000069100001
    Checkpoint LSN : 16603000000066900038
    Database backup LSN : 16479000000778900038
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    Backup start : 7/29/2010 10:02:02 AM
    Backup finish: 7/29/2010 10:02:04 AM
    First LSN : 16630000000491400001
    Last LSN : 16630000000491600001
    Checkpoint LSN : 16630000000491400001
    Database backup LSN : 16603000000066900038
    Differential base LSN : 16603000000066900038

    SQL Backup process ended.
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    Here's the entire command I'm running also.

    EXEC master.dbo.sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE Ektron FROM DISK = [\\Recovery\SQLBackups\Thor\Ektron\*.sqb] LATEST_ALL with MAILTO = [],RECOVERY,REPLACE, SINGLERESULTSET, PASSWORD = [Password], MOVE [EverestEktronDev_log] TO [C:\TEMP\Ektron_log.ldf], move [EverestEktronDev] to [C:\temp\Ektron.mdf]" -I dba'
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    I just tried again. It tried to restore logs but I assume it's the wrong ones. Here's the output.

    Restoring Ektron (database) on dba instance from:

    Processed 102840 pages for database 'Ektron', file 'EverestEktronDev' on file 1.
    Processed 2 pages for database 'Ektron', file 'EverestEktronDev_log' on file 1.
    RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 102842 pages in 117.873 seconds (6.816 MB/sec).

    Restoring Ektron (database) on dba instance from:

    Processed 7384 pages for database 'Ektron', file 'EverestEktronDev' on file 1.
    Processed 1 pages for database 'Ektron', file 'EverestEktronDev_log' on file 1.
    RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 7385 pages in 46.030 seconds (1.253 MB/sec).

    Restoring Ektron (transaction logs) on dba instance from:

    Thread 0 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 1 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 2 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 3 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 4 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 5 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 6 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 7 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 8 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 9 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 10 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)

    SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.
    SQL error 4305: SQL error 4305: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 16634000000669900001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 16634000000591800001 can be restored.

    SQL Backup exit code: 790
    SQL error code: 4305
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    It skipped 13 earlier log files.
  • Good morning from Pacific Daylight Time (GMT -7) :)

    I am just using LATEST_ALL as I am restoring to a different server from the backup source (i.e. moving production data to a test system etc).

    Here are the headers for the full and differential backup files, the first two and last skipped log backup files, plus the log file the process tried to restore out of sequence. There were 13 log backup files skipped in total.

    FULL header:
    Server name : AMRSQL1
    Database name : AMRAudit
    Machine name : AMRSQL1
    Backup start : 27/07/2010 02:09:55
    Backup finish: 27/07/2010 02:10:50
    First LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Last LSN : 3251000000368000001
    Checkpoint LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Database backup LSN : 3230000000416500072
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    DIFFERENTIAL header:
    Server name : AMRSQL1
    Database name : AMRAudit
    Machine name : AMRSQL1
    Backup start : 29/07/2010 02:07:16
    Backup finish: 29/07/2010 02:07:17
    First LSN : 3251000000427900035
    Last LSN : 3251000000429400001
    Checkpoint LSN : 3251000000427900035
    Database backup LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Differential base LSN : 3251000000365000072

    First skipped LOG header:
    Server name : AMRSQL1
    Database name : AMRAudit
    Machine name : AMRSQL1
    Backup start : 29/07/2010 05:05:03
    Backup finish: 29/07/2010 05:05:03
    First LSN : 3251000000427900001
    Last LSN : 3251000000429400001
    Checkpoint LSN : 3251000000427900035
    Database backup LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    Second skipped LOG header:
    Server name : AMRSQL1
    Database name : AMRAudit
    Machine name : AMRSQL1
    Backup start : 29/07/2010 05:25:03
    Backup finish: 29/07/2010 05:25:03
    First LSN : 3251000000429400001
    Last LSN : 3251000000429400001
    Checkpoint LSN : 3251000000427900035
    Database backup LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    Last skipped LOG header:
    Server name : AMRSQL1
    Database name : AMRAudit
    Machine name : AMRSQL1
    Backup start : 29/07/2010 09:05:05
    Backup finish: 29/07/2010 09:05:05
    First LSN : 3251000000433300001
    Last LSN : 3251000000433900001
    Checkpoint LSN : 3251000000427900035
    Database backup LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    First LOG Restore attempt - header:
    Server name : AMRSQL1
    Database name : AMRAudit
    Machine name : AMRSQL1
    Backup start : 29/07/2010 09:25:04
    Backup finish: 29/07/2010 09:25:04
    First LSN : 3251000000433900001
    Last LSN : 3251000000434500001
    Checkpoint LSN : 3251000000427900035
    Database backup LSN : 3251000000365000072
    Differential base LSN : NULL

    Error message from Log Restore Attempt:
    SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.
    SQL error 4305: SQL error 4305: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 3251000000433900001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 3251000000429400001 can be restored.
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    Ahh, lucky 13
  • The backups were created using (unpatched). Multiple backup threads, 256 bit encryption, compression level 4.

    The restore attempt was done on the dev/test server using the patched files. When I initially tried this with the unpatched .56 release, the restore attempt would never start at all as per the >10 files bug.
  • The Lucky 13 syndrome - alas, not the cause. When I first hit this problem I was using a different test database and there were just 4 skipped log backups out of 5 or 6 total. :?

    Not so easy after all! :wink:
  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Good morning from Pacific Daylight Time (GMT -7)
    Well, it's GMT+8 where I am.

    This is indeed a bug, guys, thanks for reporting it. Could you please download the patch, and check if it fixes the issue? You can download it using the following URL: ...

    That archive contains the patched SQL Backup Agent executable file (SQBCoreService.exe), and command line interface (SQLBackupC.exe). To replace the existing SQL Backup Agent file, do the following:

    - ensure that no SQL Backup processes are running
    - stop the SQL Backup Agent service, or if on a cluster resource, disable the resource then stop it
    - rename the existing executable file
    - extract and place the patched executable file into the same folder
    - restart the SQL Backup Agent service/cluster resource
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • Congratulations - that fixed it. Tested both LATEST_FULL and LATEST_ALL successfully on multiple servers, multiple databases, mixed number of FULL, DIFF and LOG backup files. All OK.

    Thanks for your help and THANK YOU for a great set of products in the SQL Toolkit. Backup is great, while Compare and DataCompare are absolutely essential to me now. :D
  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Thanks for the update, glad to hear that it's fixed.
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • brosatobrosato Posts: 89 Bronze 2
    Yep, that fixed it. Thanks for the quick fix.
  • I was also having issues with the LATEST_ALL parameter causing the restore process to hang indefinitely on the base release. I applied the latest patch from the link posted by petey and it seems to work as expected. I plan to do some additional testing, but I'm very glad to see this issue has been addressed.

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