Permission issue

To use SQL Log Rescue you must have permissions to execute the SQL Log Rescue extended stored procedure (xp_LogRescue) in the master database. You must also be a member of the db_owner role for the database, or a member of the sysadmin role on the server.
What happens if I don't have access to the Backup?
I started a new project, identified the DB, but when I went to access the logs it seem to hang. Then the DB gave me a"SQL Server doesn't exist or access is denied". Can this cause the DB to stop? (or Hang?)
To use SQL Log Rescue you must have permissions to execute the SQL Log Rescue extended stored procedure (xp_LogRescue) in the master database. You must also be a member of the db_owner role for the database, or a member of the sysadmin role on the server.
What happens if I don't have access to the Backup?
I started a new project, identified the DB, but when I went to access the logs it seem to hang. Then the DB gave me a"SQL Server doesn't exist or access is denied". Can this cause the DB to stop? (or Hang?)
This discussion has been closed.
If you do not have access to the backup then a warning will be displayed against the backup file(s) on the "Choose Database backups" page of the project settings wizard.
I am having some trouble reproducing this exact error, can I ask how you are connecting to server, whether it is a named or default instance and how many backups does the database have?
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd
Originally I pointed to the DB backup which I did not have access rights to, when I selected > Next the DB hung with the window saying "Analyzing Transaction logsâ€. Next I changed the path on the DB backup to a location I had access rights too, however when I selected > Next the DB still hung. I’m working on an XP machine; I have windows access rights to the DB; The extended SP is in the master db on the server. I have permissions on the master DB and the DB that I was trying to test Log Rescue on.
Hi George,
could you execute the following script on your database (this finds out the number of backups for a particular database and shows distinct backup files)
SELECT distinct physical_device_name FROM msdb..backupmediafamily
WHERE media_set_id IN (SELECT media_set_id FROM msdb..backupset WHERE database_name = N'XXXXXXXX' AND type LIKE '[LDI]'
AND database_creation_date IN (SELECT MAX(database_creation_date) FROM msdb..backupset
WHERE database_name = N'XXXXXXXX')
AND device_type IN (2,7,102)
Please replace the two instances of XXXXXXXX with the relevant database names.
What I'm interested about is the time it took to execute this query, and the number of rows returned.
Also could you tell me the size of your database (both the size of its mdf and ldf files).
When you say the DB hangs, do you mean your SQL Server, or the SQL Log Rescue application? Adding a backup to SQL Log Rescue should not affect the stability of SQL Server.
How large is the backup file itself? You mentioned that there is only a single backup. Is it overwritten periodically, or does this single file contain all of your previous backups?
I'd appreciate if you could send these answers directly to me (Andras.Belokosztolszki "AT"
Red Gate Software Ltd.