View or Save Generated SQL?

Is there any way to view or save the SQL that is generated from the execution of this program? If I am inserting 1 row into each of 250 tables, I would like to save the SQL Script with 250 insert statements.
Thanks for your post. Currently, there is no way to view the SQL statements for the generation. However, i'll add the suggestion to the list for reviewing.
It also the feature that is missing for me. Most of times I need a script that inserts generated data.
To get /save a script (as a workaround) I usually put two the same databases onto one (local) server, generate data against the first and then using the SQL Data Compare, I'm comparing these two databases. At the end of synchronisation (of SQL Data Compare) wizard there is an option to see the script and copy or save it.
This is the easiest way that I have found. ... abase.aspx
To dump that data to SQL scripts. I agree that it should be a feature in Data Generator to skip the extra step, but it is possible to do so right now.
I'd rather run scripts for my deployments (or when generating test data for integration tests) rather than running the app as part of the build process.
strange that redgate should chose to omit this facility?
I guess we could log a feature request to generate a DML script as an alternative to applying the bulk insert directly to your database.
Kind regards,
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software