VDI error 1010

I keep getting this error when running backups, the job finishes and appears to have backed up, anyone know what I need to do to get rid of this warning?? Thank you!
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required 6,291,456 bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. VDI error: An abort request is preventing anything except
termination actions.
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required 6,291,456 bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. VDI error: An abort request is preventing anything except
termination actions.
This may be related to the amount of RAM available to SQL Server.
This is restricted by a) the amount free on your system and b) the maximum amount that SQL Server is configured to use.
If your system is overloaded or SQL Server has been limited to use an amount less than it needs, you could see an error like 1010.
You can check in Task Manager and SQL Server Management Studio (instance properties... memory) to see if this could be the case.
Choosing to use fewer threads when performing a backup can help reduce memory usage.
Hope this helps,
Red-Gate Software
This would be the system memory on the database server itself.
The actual backup work is performed by the SQL Backup Agent, which is a windows service running on the same computer as the SQL Server instance.
On the database server, how much free memory is available? Also, in Management Studio, how much memory has SQL Server been authorised to use?
Red-Gate Software
http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/C ... 000142.htm
IMHO, SQL Server 2000 does a pretty bad job of managing this memory and it tends to get fragmented very fast, so having a look at any stored procedures that use OLE automation (sp_oacreate) to make sure that all OLE objects created are destroyed may also be the answer. Memory management is much improved in SQL 2005 and up, but occasionally runs out of memory for this and other reasons.
I wonder if the sqlservr.exe process is approaching its maximum allocation. The next time you observe this error, please check the amount of memory allocated to this process. If this number is close to 12GB limit, then the error generated by SQL Backup is valid.
If you're getting this error inappropriately, then I'd like to know more about your setup so I can work on the issue.
Red-Gate Software
EXEC master.dbo.sqbmemory
Reserve 4096 15728640 147827 21325 3152416768
Free 4096 786432 88157 264 23273472
Private 4096 266199040 95899 43833 4203556864
Mapped 4096 1585152 151025 70 10571776
Image 4096 7581696 91559 628 57499648
The immediate fix is to restart the instance of SQL Server, the long term fix is to try to work out why the VAS is becoming fragmented.
A few causes of VAS fragmentation and/or pressure are:
1. Using sp_xml_preparedocument without a corresponding sp_xml_removedocument.
2. Use of CLR objects (if you're not using CLR objects then ensure that the CLR sp_configure option is turned off and restart the instance if you change the option).
3. Use of the sp_OA... stored procedures on a SQL Server 2005 SP2 installation - upgrading to SP3 should fix the problem.
4. Use of linked servers.
Upgrading to 64-bit OS and SQL Server should remove the problem, although it's always advisable to first attempt to fix the root cause where possible.
PHIF04V\IFORCE01: Backup - Successful
Performing full backups - Successful
This operation completed with warnings.
Backing up CDB_Model (full database) on IFORCE01 instance to:
\\phif14\daily full\CDB_Model\20090716\FULL_CDB_Model_20090716_1036.sqb
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required 12,582,912 bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. You can reduce the memory requirements by reducing the
number of threads used in the backup. VDI error: An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 266199040 4096 48739 23031 1122521088
Reserve 15728640 4096 148616 21175 3146956800
Free 1478656 4096 97409 261 25423872
Private 266199040 4096 96590 43512 4202856448
Mapped 1585152 4096 138208 66 9121792
Image 7581696 4096 91559 628 57499648
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 1
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required 6,291,456 bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. You can reduce the memory requirements by reducing the
number of threads used in the backup. VDI error: An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 266199040 4096 49090 23044 1131245568
Reserve 15728640 4096 148172 21185 3139031040
Free 1478656 4096 95446 258 24625152
Private 266199040 4096 96558 43535 4203655168
Mapped 1585152 4096 138208 66 9121792
Image 7581696 4096 91559 628 57499648
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 2
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required 3,145,728 bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. You can reduce the memory requirements by reducing the
number of threads used in the backup. VDI error: An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 266199040 4096 49451 23155 1145053184
Reserve 15728640 4096 146751 21296 3125223424
Free 1478656 4096 95446 258 24625152
Private 266199040 4096 96068 43757 4203655168
Mapped 1585152 4096 138208 66 9121792
Image 7581696 4096 91559 628 57499648
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 3
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required 1,572,864 bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. You can reduce the memory requirements by reducing the
number of threads used in the backup. VDI error: An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 266199040 4096 49498 23193 1148026880
Reserve 15728640 4096 146363 21333 3122380800
Free 1478656 4096 94938 258 24494080
Private 266199040 4096 95905 43831 4203655168
Mapped 1585152 4096 138102 67 9252864
Image 7581696 4096 91559 628 57499648
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 4
Database size : 334.500 MB
Compressed data size: 40.356 MB
Compression rate : 87.94%
Processed 18736 pages for database 'CDB_Model', file 'CDB_Model_Data' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'CDB_Model', file 'CDB_Model_Log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 18737 pages in 3.502 seconds (43.828 MB/sec).
Verifying files:
\\phif14\daily full\CDB_Model\20090716\FULL_CDB_Model_20090716_1036.sqb
The backup set is valid.
SQL Backup exit code: 300
Updating SQL Server information - Successful
This operation completed successfully.
It's good practice to regularly perform test restores of backups - if you were to do this then you'd quickly know whether or not the backup files were valid.
EDIT: Looking at your logs you can see that SQL Backup gradually reduces its memory requirements until the backup runs successfully:
1st attempt: 12,582,912 bytes
2nd attempt: 6,291,456 bytes
3rd attempt: 3,145,728 bytes
4th attempt: 1,572,864 bytes
5th (successful) attempt: presumably 786,432 bytes
I believe that SQL Backup gradually reduces the value of MAXTRANSFERSIZE http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/C ... wledgebase\SQL_Backup\KB200708000121.htm
Definitely restart the instance before the backups fail altogether due to a lack of appropriately-sized contiguous VAS, ideally you need at least 12582912 bytes (12MB) to be returned for the 'Maximum Free' value discussed earlier.[/url]
As I mentioned earlier, you need to restart SQL Server then closely monitor the output of sqbmemory to help you determine when the error is next likely to occur and to help you determine exactly what is causing the fragmentation.
Note that this issue is not really a problem with SQL Backup as the same can occur with native backups.
http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/C ... 000121.htm
There should not be any difference at all between the way SQL Backup 6 allocates buffer space as compared to v5. The only thing I can suggest is that maybe you had recreated your backup scripts and changed the MAXTRANSFERSIZE values, because these would affect the memory usage.