
Log Shipping from 2005 to 2008

cfidoecfidoe Posts: 10
edited May 20, 2009 12:44PM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
I finally got a log shipping solution set up, but we are not able to run it in "WITH STANDBY" mode.. Getting an error that says

Process Terminated Unexpectedly. Error Code -2139684860
SQL error 3013: Restore Database terminating abnormally
SQL erro 3180: This backup cannot be restored using with standby because a database upgrade is needed. Reissue the restore without with standby
SQL backup Exit code: 790

The source server is 2005 and the target server is 2008.. Originally the database (test_logshipping) was set at compatibility level 90 - SQL SERVER 2005, so I detached it and upped it to 100 (on the 2008 server) reattached.. but still get the same error.. it's still set at 2005 on the 2005 server and I doubt that that can be upgraded? Right?

Any suggestions would be appreciated..
I'm not even sure if this is possible....



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