Again exporting/printing (sorry) ...

Hi all,
We're using v3.2 pro at the moment and I'm quite impressed about the new performance improvements of the latest version. Unfortunately there's still no improvement in exporting/printing results. To be honest, for a development tool that costs €400/user this is a must-have feature. A question from dev to dev: How do YOU present the nice numbers to someone else without having the ANTS Profiler app on your PC? I think, the solution for that actually shouldn't be a big deal. You've done this already in your summary page (seems to me being HTML as well). So, why not simply export the content of this page to a file? Please try to spend some time to think also of simple stuff like this in the future ...
However, can you provide a fast workaround for this asap? For example a neat XSLT file for getting something like the summary page by converting it from the exported XML? :-)
We're using v3.2 pro at the moment and I'm quite impressed about the new performance improvements of the latest version. Unfortunately there's still no improvement in exporting/printing results. To be honest, for a development tool that costs €400/user this is a must-have feature. A question from dev to dev: How do YOU present the nice numbers to someone else without having the ANTS Profiler app on your PC? I think, the solution for that actually shouldn't be a big deal. You've done this already in your summary page (seems to me being HTML as well). So, why not simply export the content of this page to a file? Please try to spend some time to think also of simple stuff like this in the future ...
However, can you provide a fast workaround for this asap? For example a neat XSLT file for getting something like the summary page by converting it from the exported XML? :-)
with V3.2 of the profiler you can open results files even if you don't have a license of the profiler or have an expired license. We did that specifically for the reason you have posted for although V3 is no longer available publically but you probably already have a copy of it which you can take with when demonstrating the results.
We will only be releasing updates to version of the Profiler from 4.x onwards now. I don't know if you have checked out the new version but the call graphs in V4 can be exported via PNG, PDF and EMF format which can be used in applications like Visio.
If you wish to in the All Methods grid in V4 you can with a simple workaround export the contents of the All Methods grid by simply selecting all the rows and copy/pasting into Excel for example where you can manipulate the data in any way which you wish.
thanks for your quick reply. With v3 it's possible to export some XML or HTML and copy this to Excel as well. But actually that's not the point. What I mean is that it should be no problem to add some features for creating an export file of the summary directly (without applying some copy/paste or doing XML/XSLT for our own). That's all what we need. But anyway, thanks again for your hints.