Data decompression error setting up new log shipping
Posts: 5
Any ideas on this? Setting up fresh log shipping. It was existing, but SQL Backup (5.3) was complainging the logs were not in the correct format, so I decided to just re-do it. Nothing changed (as far as I know) on the server.
Here is the log when setting up log shipping. I've tried a few times, and unfortunatly every try i had to recreate a database, since all of them are stuck in (Restoring), and can't get them out. This is SQL 2000.
Setting up log shipping - Failed
Backing up source database - Successful
This operation completed with warnings.
Backing up Franklin (full database) to:
Database size : 1.315 GB
Compressed data size: 403.963 MB
Compression rate : 70.00%
Processed 134304 pages for database 'Franklin', file 'devtestData' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'Franklin', file 'devtestLog' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 134305 pages in 50.060 seconds (21.978 MB/sec).
Warning 141: COPYTO error: Unable to copy d:\DB_LOGS\SEED_Franklin_20081017161742.sqb to \\wh_reporting\incoming\SEED_Franklin_20081017161742.sqb (The operation completed successfully).
SQL Backup exit code: 141
Restoring database to destination server - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring Franklin2 (database) on SQL2000 instance from:
Thread 0 error:
Data decompression error: ZLib decompression error: buffer error
SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3241: SQL error 3241: The media family on device 'SQLBACKUP_7BD51BA6-36F6-44D9-9FE4-A28C9C3F1F75' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
SQL Backup exit code: 790
SQL error code: 3241
Here is the log when setting up log shipping. I've tried a few times, and unfortunatly every try i had to recreate a database, since all of them are stuck in (Restoring), and can't get them out. This is SQL 2000.
Setting up log shipping - Failed
Backing up source database - Successful
This operation completed with warnings.
Backing up Franklin (full database) to:
Database size : 1.315 GB
Compressed data size: 403.963 MB
Compression rate : 70.00%
Processed 134304 pages for database 'Franklin', file 'devtestData' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'Franklin', file 'devtestLog' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 134305 pages in 50.060 seconds (21.978 MB/sec).
Warning 141: COPYTO error: Unable to copy d:\DB_LOGS\SEED_Franklin_20081017161742.sqb to \\wh_reporting\incoming\SEED_Franklin_20081017161742.sqb (The operation completed successfully).
SQL Backup exit code: 141
Restoring database to destination server - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring Franklin2 (database) on SQL2000 instance from:
Thread 0 error:
Data decompression error: ZLib decompression error: buffer error
SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3241: SQL error 3241: The media family on device 'SQLBACKUP_7BD51BA6-36F6-44D9-9FE4-A28C9C3F1F75' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
SQL Backup exit code: 790
SQL error code: 3241
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8