
Incorrect dates in SQL Compare Report heading

cminorcminor Posts: 2
edited September 16, 2005 10:43AM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions
I am using SqlCompare to produce snapshots of databases each night, and then running SqlCompare with today's and yesterday's snapshots to produce a daily comparison report.

The report heading displays an incorrect date for the second database. It appears to be using the date from the first database, and seems to be duplicating info as well. I have copied a sample below...

This is confusing my readers as to what is really getting compared.
I have confirmed that the dates appear correctly when I compare the same two snapshots in the SQL Compare GUI.

>>from html output
Database 1 - Snapshot of DB1.common taken on 4/27/2005 2:05:04 AM
Database 2 - Snapshot of Snapshot of DB1.common taken on 4/27/2005 2:05:04 AM taken on 4/27/2005 2:05:04 AM
Databases compared on 4/27/2005 9:54:36 AM


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