I've been having trouble guessing the data types for the result set of the RESTORE FILELISTONLY result set. Can anyone shed some light on this?
I'm not using all of the columns, so I defaulted to VARCHAR(100) when I wasn't sure. Here are my guesses:
- Matt
I'm not using all of the columns, so I defaulted to VARCHAR(100) when I wasn't sure. Here are my guesses:
CREATE TABLE #files ( LogicalName VARCHAR (256) ,PhysicalName VARCHAR (512) ,Type VARCHAR (10) ,FileGroupName VARCHAR (100) ,Size VARCHAR(100) ,MaxSize VARCHAR(100) ,FileID BIGINT ,CreateLSN VARCHAR(100) ,DropLSN VARCHAR(100) ,UniqueID VARCHAR(100) ,ReadOnlyLSN VARCHAR(100) ,ReadWriteLSN VARCHAR(100) ,BackupSizeInBytes VARCHAR(100) ,SourceBlockSize VARCHAR(100) ,FileGroupID VARCHAR(100) ,LogGroupGUID VARCHAR(100) ,DifferentialBaseLSN VARCHAR(1000) ,DifferentialBaseGUID VARCHAR(100) ,IsReadOnly TINYINT ,IsPresent TINYINT ) SET @SQL = N'-SQL "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = [C:\db.sqb]" ' INSERT INTO #files EXECUTE MASTER.dbo.sqlbackup @SQLThanks,
- Matt
- UniqueID, LogGroupID and DifferentialBaseGUID are varchar(36) instead of GUIDs
- IsReadOnly and IsPresent are integers instead of bits
The reason for the discrepancy is because the SQL Server extended stored procedure library does not support GUID and bit types.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8