"Timeout Expired" error in SQL Datacompare 5

Tim@NextMediumTim@NextMedium Posts: 6
edited October 23, 2007 12:37PM in SQL Data Compare Previous Versions
Greetings -
We're using Red Gate SQL Data Compare 5 to compare data on two databases. Both servers sit in different network locations and subnets - therefore it's taking a while to compare them with each other. I do get the following error when using /v (verbose mode):

Red Gate SQL Data Compare Command Line Utility V5.3.0.81
Copyright c Red Gate Software Ltd 2004-2006

Serial Number:505-001-056087-E889

Loading synchronization parameters from project file: Masterdata_Login_BigBang.sdc <snapshot file - works when I open it with Sql.data.compare.gui
Comparing database Database1(redacted) with database Database2(redacted)...
Registering databases
Error: Comparison of Database1(redacted) and Database2(redacted): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the
operation or the server is not responding.

Can you shed some light, please?
Many thanks,


  • Greetings -
    We're using Red Gate SQL Data Compare 5 to compare data on two databases. Both servers sit in different network locations and subnets - therefore it's taking a while to compare them with each other. I do get the following error when using /v (verbose mode):

    Red Gate SQL Data Compare Command Line Utility V5.3.0.81
    Copyright c Red Gate Software Ltd 2004-2006

    Serial Number:505-001-056087-E889

    Loading synchronization parameters from project file: Masterdata_Login_BigBang.sdc <snapshot file - works when I open it with Sql.data.compare.gui
    Comparing database Database1(redacted) with database Database2(redacted)...
    Registering databases
    Error: Comparison of Database1(redacted) and Database2(redacted): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the
    operation or the server is not responding.

    Can you shed some light, please?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Tim,
    Is this happening consistently? Can you reproduce it in SQL Compare (not Data Compare) UI, and can you compare the two schemata?
    Also, is this related to particular databases/servers? Are there any unusual things about these databases, like running on a fixed custom port, being behind a firewall, ... If it is consistent, could you check the query that is being executed on the database too?

    András Belokosztolszki, PhD
    Red Gate Software Ltd.
  • Andras -
    1. Yes, it is happening consistently.
    2. No - the schemas being checked seem to go okay. We're using .snp files for the data simply because we're not checking the entire data - certain items are being ignored, therefore we're required to use a snapshot file.
    3. No custom ports - both servers communicate via VPN link (2 seperate locations, 2 seperate subnets).

    Interestingly, I take the .snp file and open it using the SQL Data Compare.GUI - it runs just fine there.

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