32-bit memory dumps

robm2robm2 Posts: 5 New member
edited July 20, 2022 12:48AM in ANTS Memory Profiler
EDIT: Tried a different search, and found this is essentially a duplicate of this issue:

Trying to open a memory dump of a 32-bit process running on a 64-bit OS, using AMP running on a 64-bit machine.  I get the message:

This process is 64-bit, but this memory dump is not. Memory dumps can only be read if they are the same bitness as the process.

I assume by "this process" it means ANTS, and not the process we're taking the dump from.  Is there a way to run AMP in a 32-bit mode then?  The doco here: Analyzing memory dumps - ANTS Memory Profiler 11 - Product Documentation (red-gate.com) says:

Memory dumps of 32-bit applications can only be opened when running AMP in a 32-bit environment.

I tried launching the GUI from a 32-bit cmd process, but it was unimpressed.  


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