Console view of servers

in SQL Backup
Is there a way to have one main console view for a team? I setup SQL backup Pro on the server but none of y team members can see the servers. It ppears each has to login and connect individually to the servers to see the backup info
To answer your question:
The simple answer is no.
There is a method for an user to share their configuration with other users. However, if one user makes a change, it is not replicated to the other users.
If an user, which I will call user1, configures their version of the SQL Backup GUI, adding the required servers to manage.
The SQL Backup GUI configuration is saved in the following two folders:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Server Data --which will contain two or more *.dat files
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Servers.dat --the Servers.dat file contains the connection information to each SQL Instance that the SQL Backup GUI has been configured.
So user1 can copy their Server Data folder and servers.dat file across to other users, who simply ensure that the SQL Backup GUI is closed and paste into their C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Backup\, User1's Server Data folder and User1's Servers.dat file into their C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Red Gate\SQL Backup\ folder. Open the GUI and ensure that the GUI opens successfully and have the same configuration as User1.
PLEASE NOTE. If User1 makes a change, the change does not get applied to the other users. Likewise, if an user who pasted in User1's Server Data folder and Servers.dat file makes a change, this is not replicated back to User1.
I hope the above helps.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd