Bug - Source Control Does not commit to Repo with Branch Policies

I tried to commit to a develop branch that has branch policies enabled on the branch.
The Source Control for Oracle shows the commit, but it does not exist in the Local Git or the Repo Git.
So this is a bug as there is no way to block this commit to a branch that has branch policies that prevent commits and require a Pull Request for commits.
Oracle Commit
Has extra commit that is not in Local or Remote. The 38aab96 commit does not exist in the repos.

Local Git Repo

Remote Git Repo

This is urgent as we are evaluating the product.
The Source Control for Oracle shows the commit, but it does not exist in the Local Git or the Repo Git.
So this is a bug as there is no way to block this commit to a branch that has branch policies that prevent commits and require a Pull Request for commits.
Oracle Commit
Has extra commit that is not in Local or Remote. The 38aab96 commit does not exist in the repos.

Local Git Repo

Remote Git Repo

This is urgent as we are evaluating the product.
Best Answer
DenisJCilliers Posts: 24 New member
Hi Eddie
The issue is that the app shows this as a commit that passed. While behind the scenes the git push would fail. Thus we have a commit that definitely fails, but is reported as passing.
Later the app sorts itself out and removes the commit, but this would also be confusing as the app would now just have a commit missing that was previously shown as passing.
Thanks for your help, this has been escalated as a bug - 303839
The Source Control reset itself around 30 min later so it is synced now again, but it is still a bug as the app should not allow this process to complete and register it as completed.
It would be very confusing to a user to see that their commit is now missing. When it failed in the first instance and is now simply gone. Thus when you think you have committed you have not.
As the action is definitely a git error, one that is by design due to the branch policy.
Thank you for your forum post.
Source Control for Oracle (SOCO), has no knowledge of branch policies.
The change that fails, is it a change to any of the comparison options, or filters or Ignore Rules Filters?
SOCO maintains a verbose log file, in this location:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Red Gate\Logs\Source Control for Oracle 6\
If you locate the log file for 15/12/2023, are there any entries in the log that correspond to the reported problem?
I recommend that you send a copy of the log file to support@red-gate.com, for the Redgate Product Support Team so that a support ticket is created and we can then analyze to workout what may have occurred.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Email: support@red-gate.com
The problem is not that the app or the commit fails, it reports that the commit it worked fine.
While it in fact does not work fine and would fail. The git push would result in an error, one that the app is not reporting. So you would have a false sense of security, with the app saying that it is committed when it is not.
The app does sort itself out later, but that would be even more confusing, as your commit is now missing from the list that it was in before.
Thanks for your support, it has been escalated as a bug - 303839