Monitor Azure SQL Database using Service Principal

Looking to monitor a PaaS SQL Azure Server/Database, but the only option for authenticating looks to be SQL Authentication, is that right.
We have this off currently in line with MS Recommendations, is there any way we can connect using an Azure Service Principal instead?


Best Answer


  • hcuk94hcuk94 Posts: 3 New member
    Thanks @Alex B - frustrating as this goes against Microsoft's security best practices and will require us to weaken our Azure SQL security posture in order to monitor the server.

    We don't currently have a server admin account since the server is AAD auth only. I will need to reconfigure it and create an admin account.

    In the meantime I will upvote the uservoice suggestion - thanks!
  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi @hcuk94,

    The team are planning to implement Azure Active Directory Password and Azure Active Directory Integrated Authentication methods.  Looking through some information on the Azure Service Principal and from what you've said, I think that may cover your need, but I'm not well versed with it, so do let me know if that is not the case - and if not, what the use case of that is over the two methods we are planning to implement.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • hcuk94hcuk94 Posts: 3 New member
    hi @Alex B

    Thanks for your help earlier in the year. We've updated to the versions which now include AAD Password and Integrated authentication methods, but this still doesn't allow for Service Principal auth to be used.

    In the ODBC driver this is achieved using the Authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal type as referenced here:

    I also note that RedGate has implemented Service Principal auth in Flyway through the JDBC driver ( - it would be great if the same could be done for SQL Monitor.

    To expand on the Service Principal authentication, this is Microsoft's advised way to create a service account for situations such as this. Their docs explain more here:

    The key paragraph: "We do not recommend user accounts as service accounts because they are less secure. This includes on-premises service accounts synced to Microsoft Entra ID, because they aren't converted to service principals. Instead, we recommend managed identities, or service principals, and the use of Conditional Access."

    If Redgate could consider SP auth as a future enhancement that would be great. If the Microsoft drivers are used then it should be an easy implementation.

  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi Henry,

    Thank you for following up here and apologies that the functionality which was implemented didn't help in this case. 

    I've fed this back to the team for consideration and you should also raise it on the SQL Monitor Uservoice here 

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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