Retrospective data sync after server restart?

elteeeltee Posts: 2 New member
edited October 18, 2021 11:43AM in Redgate Monitor
I have a specific question: we use SQL Monitor on two servers, for monitoring 70+ SQL Servers. 
In the case of a restart of one or both of the Redmine servers, will the data that should be logged in the downtime of the redgate server, be retrospectively synched to the Redmine server that was restarted, or will there be a gap in the data?

Best Answer

  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi @eltee,

    I had a look and there is something called Redmine that looks related to monitoring so wanted to be clear that it is not our product.

    For our tool Redgate SQL Monitor, there will be a gap in the data when SQL Monitor is down.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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