Global Alert Filter out DBs

Just getting started with Monitor.  Initially overwhelmed with alerts but many are nonsense such as no backup on the Model DB.   Want to start removing these so I can focus on legitimate alerts.

Is there a way to globally exclude the model DB (or any other DB) from specific alert types or do I have to drill down into every Model DB on every instance on every host and disable the Missing Backup Alert on each Model DB?


  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi @matt_rushton,

    Going via the UI you would need to drill in to each model database to disable the alert therein, but you can use the PowerShell API to do this more easily.

    Using these two example scripts ("Disable Backup Overdue Alert" and "Disable Disk Space Alert for C Drive") should get you where you want to go:

    The "Disable Backup Overdue Alert" describes how to disable a Database alert (in that case foreach $database in $databases) where the "Disable Disk Space Alert for C Drive" will describe how to filter it to a specific entity within that group (so in the case you are describing you would switch from looking for `if($disk.Name -eq "C:")` to something like `if ($database.Name -eq "model")` for example.

    I hope that helps but if you have any further questions please do let us know!

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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