
Data decompression error

DineshDinesh Posts: 14
edited March 28, 2007 12:58AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions

We have a back of one of our production databases (the database size is around 30gb) that is encrypted and broken into 40 files (sqb). When we try to restore the backup in the development servers (diff location, we had to download all the files), we get decryption errors;

Thread 19 error:
Data decompression error: ZLib decompression error: data error

SQL Server error

Server: Msg 3013
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Server: Msg 3203
Read on "SQLBACKUP_BAACD366-5D5F-4C2B-BCD4-1AC3E418EC0619" failed: 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.)

SQL Backup exit code: 1100
SQL error code: 3203

We are working on it to see whether the error related to something else. Please check and see whether it is related to the SQLBackup tool.

We use SQLBackup profession edition (v.

Hight appreciate your early reply.




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