SQLMonitor 11

I have got many Problems when installing the Update to SQLMonitor 11. Most of them are solved now, but i have now the Problem that the SQL-Instances in the Overview Panel are sometimes showed red. It is a very strange behaviour because our 40 SQL Instances are working quite well but the Monitor is showing them in red sometimes.Any Ideas what this could be ?
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Alex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
There was another issue with the TempDBObject sampler - it was getting an error "Option<Object>.None has no value" and this is likely the issue here. You can check on the Configuration > Monitored servers page by clicking on the "Show log" link at the right of the row for the SQL instance entry seeing an error.
It was only affecting the tempdb sampler even though it showed the card as having a red monitoring error (as it does when there is any issue collecting data) and it has now been fixed.
You can update to 11.0.1 which was just released to address that issue and you can download it here: https://download.red-gate.com/checkforupdates/SQLMonitorWeb/SQLMonitorWeb_11.0.1.2362.exe
To note, there is still the possibility of deadlocks occurring on tempdb with the sampler and other processes using it, and it will show a monitoring error until the sampler does run successfully, however these should be less frequent and our sampler will always be the victim and will not interrupt your processes.