PowerShell error with Get-SqlMonitorCluster

Code that worked before appears broken in
Using code:
Using code:
using module 'redacted\RedgateSQM'
Connect-SqlMonitor -ServerURL 'http://redacted' -AuthToken 'redacted'
Results in error:
Results in error:
Cannot convert value "@{BaseMonitor=; Type=Cluster; DisplayType=Cluster;
| FullName=redacted; Group=; Id=redacted;
| Name=redacted}" to type "Cluster". Error: "Cannot convert the "@{BaseMonitor=;
| Type=Cluster; DisplayType=Cluster; FullName=redacted; Group=;
| Id=redacted; Name=redacted}" value of type
| "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" to type "Cluster"."
I know I am connected as other commands like Get-SqlMonitorBaseMonitor work just fine.
Thanks for any help or insight you can provide.
I know I am connected as other commands like Get-SqlMonitorBaseMonitor work just fine.
Thanks for any help or insight you can provide.
I think you may need to re download the latest PowerShell Module, extract the new files and then restart your PowerShell session. I've just done the same thing where I updated to 10.2.8, had an old RedgateSQM module and go the same error and updating fixes it. (need to restart PoSh)
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