Right clicking table in SSMS starts SQL Dependency Tracker
This just started for me after I updated SQL Prompt a couple of days ago. Right clicking a table in SSMS starts SQL Dependency Tracker today. Yesterday it started SQL Doc. Once in a while it gives the standard context menu.
Best Answer
Eddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
Hi, thank you for your forum post.
Very strange problem you are experiencing.
What version of SSMS are you using?
What is the full version numbers of SQL Prompt, SQL Dependency Tracker and SQL Doc are you using?
Finally what version of the Redgate SSMS Integration Pack are you using (You can confirm this via Control Panel ->Programs ->Programs and Features)? I ask this question as the SSMS Integration Pack is the plug-in to SSMS that allows users to be able to launch SQL Compare, SQL Data Data Compare and SQL Dependency Tracker and SQL Doc from within SSMS.
Using SSMS 18.3.1, with SQL Prompt V10.0.4.12779, SQL Dependency Tracker V3.2.2.1536 and V3.2.4.1582, SQL Doc V5.0.5.1790 and V5.0.7.1958, I am unable to replicate the replicated problem.
Many Thanks
Thanks, but I have updated SQL Prompt (v10.0.4.12779 and I believe SQL Doc since the issue occurred in November, and it's not happening anymore.