DML Trigger Compare

Jon_RJon_R Posts: 1 New member
I have Red Gate SQL Compare 12 and was looking through filters but I do not see "DML Triggers" as an option. Is that object comparison available on SQL Compare 12 or is there another version I need?


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,800 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Jon_R

    The option to ignore DML Triggers does exist in SQL Compare V12.

    If the project is already created, select Edit Project ->Options tab ->In the Ignore section ->Scroll to locate the DML Trigger option.  See the screen shot below.

    Or when creating a new project  select Options tab ->In the Ignore section ->Scroll to locate the DML Trigger option.  As per the screen shot below

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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