What port should be opened?
Hi Guys;
I've installed SQL Monitor and i like it very much. Now i'm trying to add all my DEV SQL VM machines to it, but for some machines i can't connect. I'm assuming that this is a port opening issue, but i don't know what port to request from our network team to open.
Any help will be appreciated!
I've installed SQL Monitor and i like it very much. Now i'm trying to add all my DEV SQL VM machines to it, but for some machines i can't connect. I'm assuming that this is a port opening issue, but i don't know what port to request from our network team to open.
Any help will be appreciated!
This page lists the Firewall requirements (443 is no longer needed). There is a special section on setting WMI access to a smaller port range or a single static port as WMI is special and is likely the problem here.
WMI uses port 135 (RPC), but in addition to this, through its use of DCOM which it's built upon, it uses a random port between 1065 and 65535 as well to continue the conversation. If you have a firewall between your base monitor and the entity you are monitoring you will likely want to restrict the port range or alternatively make it use a static port following the instructions on the page above so that it can be allowed in the firewall (rather than opening up the entire port range and essentially voiding the firewall).
I hope that helps! If it doesn't share the specific error you are seeing in the Configuration > Monitored servers page when you click on the "Logs" link for the entity experiencing the issue and I can try to help further.
Kind regards,
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We've opened 135 & 1433, now i'm getting "No such interface supported"
The "no such interface supported" error message indicates that a firewall is blocking things (see for example: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/d993f1fd-0a1d-40c5-b4cb-7cecf6b30c5b/dp-mp-wmi-error-no-such-interface-supported?forum=ConfigMgrCBGeneral )
Did you set a static WMI port (or smaller dynamic port range) on each of the VMs as described on this page https://documentation.red-gate.com/sm9/configuring-sql-monitor/adding-servers-to-monitor/adding-servers-on-a-different-network-from-your-base-monitor ? If you have not done that then you will either need to set it to one of those and also allow that port (or port range) or open the entire 1065-65535 port range (which is not advised).
Kind regards,
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I just want to reiterate that unless you've specified that as a static port for the WMI conversation, then it could potentially change from port 49154.
The second article I linked above will show you how to do this in the "Static port" portion of the "WMI access" section. Since you have already opened that port, you can set the static port to be 49154 (instead of 24158 which is used in the example) so that it will continue to function correctly.
Kind regards,
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