Problem using version 7 command line options

We've recenlty updated from version 6.9 to version 7.0.
In version 6 we used to execute the following command line to generate a new project for each of the assemblies to obfuscate in our output path:
However, when we try to execute the same command line using version 7 we get the following error:
We have tried to create and configure the project from the GUI using the same settings and both project creation and obfuscation are working as expected. Do you know why our settings are not working when we try to create the project from the command line?
We've recenlty updated from version 6.9 to version 7.0.
In version 6 we used to execute the following command line to generate a new project for each of the assemblies to obfuscate in our output path:
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SmartAssembly 6\" /create "..\bin\es\OurAssembly.saproj" /input="C:\source\bin\es\OurAssembly.dll" /assembly="OurAssembly";nameobfuscate:true,controlflowobfuscate:1,dynamicproxy:true,compressencryptresources:false /stringsencoding=true;improved:false,compressencrypt:false,cache:true /preventildasm=true /typemethodobfuscation=3 /fieldobfuscation=2 /output=$self
However, when we try to execute the same command line using version 7 we get the following error:
SmartAssembly v7.0.1.2089<br>Copyright © Red Gate Software 2005-2019<br>Loading project ourassembly.saproj<br> Input=C:\source\bin\es\OurAssembly.dll<br> Output=C:\source\bin\es\OurAssembly.dll<br>ILDasm Protection on<br>Types/Methods Name Mangling level: 3<br>Fields Name Mangling level: 2<br>Loading main assembly...<br><br>The assembly name 'ourassembly' is not valid for merging or embedding.<br>The following assemblies are valid with the '/assembly' switch:<br>ourassembly<br><br><br>ERROR: At least one of the specified assembly names is not valid.
We have tried to create and configure the project from the GUI using the same settings and both project creation and obfuscation are working as expected. Do you know why our settings are not working when we try to create the project from the command line?
It seems that some things may not have made it into in v7. I'm going to escalate to the development team and I will come back to you with further information.
Kind regards,
Have you visited our Help Center?
What kind of assembly (framework and version) is it that you are experiencing this issue with?
Kind regards,
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Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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