Query SQL Backup Pro licence status through extended stored procedures?

in SQL Backup
Anyone know if you can query the SQL Backup Pro licence status (Activated, Expired, etc.) through the extended stored procedures?
I can't find any mention of it in the help files or forums, I thought it was possible - but perhaps I'm thinking of LiteSpeed....
Anyone know if you can query the SQL Backup Pro licence status (Activated, Expired, etc.) through the extended stored procedures?
I can't find any mention of it in the help files or forums, I thought it was possible - but perhaps I'm thinking of LiteSpeed....
Best Answer
Eddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
Hi, thank you for your forum post.
You can use the extended stored procedures to query the license status as follows:USE master<br>GO<br>DECLARE<br>@LicenseType INT,<br>@Version VARCHAR(20),<br>@SerialNumber VARCHAR(20)<br>EXECUTE master..sqbutility 1021, @LicenseType OUTPUT, @Version OUTPUT, @SerialNumber OUTPUT;<br>SELECT @LicenseType AS 'License Type', @Version AS 'SQB Version', @SerialNumber AS 'Serial Number'
Where, @LicenseType will be an Integer of one of the following:
0 - No License trial period as expired.
1 - Trial License
2 - Standard Edition license (Standard Edition licenses are no longer available)
3 - Professional edition license
6 - Lite Edition License (Lite Edition licenses are no longer available)
@Version is a varchar returning the version number of the SQBCoreService.exe.
@SerialNumber is a varchar denoting the license serial number.
Many Thanks